Leaving Apple & Google: a general eelo development status

Last year, I decided to leave Apple & Google: I want to free myself from the smartphone duopole, I want to regain control over my data privacy, I want to protect my freedom.

At first, I thought I would just fork Android, add a better design, remove any Google stuff, select a few privacy-compliant web services and add them to the system.

A little more than 6 months later, I realize that we’re building something really, really bigger than I had expected. This is made possible by the tremendous support I’m getting from many people around the world, and by a growing community of eelo contributors…

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An open letter to Elon Musk, from eelo founder


Dear Elon,

Since the 90s, you have been a world changer with great projects like Paypal, SpaceX, Tesla, Hyperloop and OpenAI. And I’ve noticed you have released Tesla patents into the public domain, and have open-sourced the Hyperloop and OpenAI projects.

Behind your projects, I sense a single course of action: empowering people, while making the world better…

Today, the digital giants are massively abusing individual and corporate data planet-wide, for the single purpose of fueling their businesses. Worse, this is installing a global surveillance system controlled by a small group of people. In the long run, this situation even threatens democracy.

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From Sovereign Operating Systems to the Sovereign Digital Chain

NSA headquarters

This Chapter “From Sovereign Operating Systems to the Sovereign Digital Chain” has been written for the Third Symposium for the “History and Philosophy of Programming. History and Philosophy of Operating Systems” (CNAM, 2016). It has been peer-reviewed in 2017 and is planned to be published as part of a Springer  Volume (HaPop-3) on Summer 2018.

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OnlyOffice : abandonnez Google Docs et Office365 avec une suite bureautique libre en ligne

Les logiciels de bureau basés sur le Web, tels que Google docs et Microsoft Office 365, ont progressivement évolué au cours des dernières années pour devenir crédibles pour les besoins réels des utilisateurs. Ils offrent, à un coût très bas, ou, en apparence, gratuitement, un certain nombre de logiciels en ligne, qui incluent un traitement de texte, un tableur, un logiciel de présentation … et du stockage en ligne.

Au départ vus comme un objet de curiosité (quand tout le monde utilisait Microsoft Office ou Open / Libre-Office …), ils se sont beaucoup améliorés en terme de fonctionnalités.

Entre outre, ils sont devenus de plus en plus confortables à utiliser avec le déploiement d’un accès Internet résidentiel rapide et à faible latence.

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OnlyOffice: move away from Google Docs and Office365 with an online open source office suite

Web-based office software, such as Google docs and Microsoft Office 365, have risen over recent years, as a credible, daily solution, for office needs.

They offer, at very low cost, or, seemlingly, for free, a number of online software, that include a wordprocessor, spreadsheet, presentation software… and online storage.

Early seen as an object of curiosity (when people all used Microsoft Office or Open/Libre-Office…), they have improved a lot in term of features. Also, they have become more and more confortable to use with the deployment of fast and low-latency residential Internet access.

Continue reading “OnlyOffice: move away from Google Docs and Office365 with an online open source office suite”